Output-Based Aid : Lessons Learnedand Best Practices
Mumssen, Yogita ; Johannes, Lars ; Kumar, Geeta
World Bank
DOI  :  10.1596/978-0-8213-8188-5
RP-ID  :  53644
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Governments in developing countries andmembers of the development aid community are acutely awareof the need to find more effective ways to improve basicliving conditions for the poor. Traditional approaches todelivering public support have not always led to the resultsintended. Results-based financing instruments are nowrecognized as one important piece of the aid-deliverypuzzle. Results-based financing (RBF) is an umbrella termthat includes output-based aid, provider payment incentives,performance-based interfiscal transfers, and conditionalcash transfers. What these mechanisms have in common is thata principal entity provides a financial or in-kind reward,conditional on the recipient of that reward undertaking aset of predetermined actions or achieving a predeterminedperformance goal. The ultimate aim is to increase theeffectiveness of scarce public resources for the provisionof basic services. This book is structured as follows:partone includes chapter one, which defines output-based aid(OBA) and puts it in the context of traditional aid-deliverymechanisms and RBF instruments. Chapter two provides anoverview of where OBA approaches are being implemented aswell as a description of the various applications of OBA:one-off, transitional, or ongoing subsidies. Part twoconsists of six chapters comprising the specific sectorreviews: information and communication technology (ICT),roads (transportation), energy, water and sanitation,health, and education. Part three starts with chapter nine,which summarizes the lessons learned from the specificsectors, focusing on cross-cutting issues. Chapter tenconcludes the review and considers where OBA is heading andwhat can be done to make OBA more effective and widespread,where applicable, to help improve access to basic servicesfor the poor. The appendix presents a table of all OBAprojects identified in the World Bank Group to date.

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