The main objectives of this study arethe following: 1) foster a better understanding of keydrivers of recent trade performance; 2) assess current tradepolicies and provide additional recommendations tostrengthen the Government's trade integration strategy;3) identify core bottlenecks in the ongoing integrationprocesses, especially with WTO accession; and 4) developrecommendations for Ukraine's international partners toprovide Ukraine with a level playing field in terms ininternational trade, and the government with additionaltechnical assistance that would help Ukraine upgrade itstrade policies and institutions. The report's mainmessages are: The current trade patterns are unsustainablein the longer term because they depend heavily on temporaryfactors. Significant export diversification is critical forexport to become a reliable source of future economicgrowth. The main obstacles to furthering Ukraine'strade integration are domestic and relate to seriousdeficiencies in the business environment, specifically incustoms administration, standardization, and administrativebarriers for new entry require immediate attention.Toutilize its potential, it needs to drastically increaseinward foreign direct investment (FDI). The policy of globaltrade integration should be given priority over regionalintegration processes.Completing WTO accession is anover-riding policy priority for Ukraine.A simultaneouspush toward free trade arrangements in both directions (EUand CIS) fits well with Ukraine's longer-terminterests. Efforts to advance free trade should be de-linkedfrom other policy objectives (such as EU membership and CISCustoms Union).