Good governance-or the absence of it-hasconcerned policy makers and other stakeholders in thetransport sector for decades. Most stakeholders recognizethat effective governance is crucial if improvements intransport infrastructure are to endure and contribute tosustainable economic growth. In Africa, billions of dollarshave been spent on improving and rehabilitating transportinfrastructure, but it has been long recognized that thepoor performance of the transport sector is due to far morethan merely inadequate finance or technical capacityconstraints. Poor governance occurs at many levels of thepolicy cycle-from the ways in which legislation is draftedand regulations, systems, and procedures are worded andapplied in practice, to how services are eventuallydelivered to the users of transport and whether theirexpectations are met. This paper sets out to identify acritical subset of governance indicators in the transportsector that can be used to demonstrate in a clear,measurable way the quality of governance in a particularcountry, sector, or subsector. By means of consultation withkey transport sector stakeholders, it examines transportsector governance issues in four pilot countries in order todetermine whether there is a consensus on what transportsector governance means in practice; why it matters; how itcan be measured; and in what priority ways improvements ingovernance might make a real difference in the sector andits contribution to national development. At its core, thestudy attempts to reduce the indicator set to what is at theheart of the governance matter.