Today the health reform in Uruguay is amature, ongoing process in which major progress has beenconsolidated. At the same time, like all systems, it faceschallenges in the immediate, medium, and long term, and howthey are resolved will not only shape the ultimate outcomeof many of the processes currently under way, and but willalso impact the sustainability of the accomplishments sofar. The purpose of this study is to contribute todevelopment of the integrated national health system (SNIS)by analyzing and identifying policy options aimed atimproving its governance, equity, efficiency, andsustainability through the government's use of controlvariables in order to achieve and maintain conditions ofgovernability and efficiency, which will contribute to thestability and sustainability of the results. The presentstudy analyzes the main variables that Uruguay has at itsdisposal to manage a central aspect of regulating the sectornamely, the plan of benefits that the population receives tocover their health needs. This plan has importantconsequences for both health and the economy. The specificobjectives of the study were to analyze the following threeaspects of the SNIS: (i) the conditions of governance andgovernability of its benefit plan, (ii) methodologicalaspects of determining the premium to be received byinsurers, and (iii) the capacity of the managementinformation systems that are being used to monitor andevaluate the benefit plan. The document has three sections:(i) background; (ii) health coverage: critical aspects thataffect its governability, specifically: (a) the benefit planand the conditions of its governance, (b) the methodologiesused to determine the premium, and (c) the healthinformation systems used to monitor and evaluate the benefitplan; and (iii) conclusions and policy options. Finally,there are seven annexes that provide details on the topics discussed.