Romania - Implementation of Regional Development and Integration with Other EU Operational Programs : Issues and Options for Maximizing Absorption and Impact of EU Funds
This policy note summarizes the resultsof technical assistance offered in support of the Governmentof Romania (GOR) in its implementation of regionaldevelopment programming for European Union (EU) accession.Three important questions confront Romania's policymakers: (i) how to operationalize regional and localdevelopment, given the context of EU structural funds; (ii)how to develop effective mechanisms for multi-level planningand resource allocation to filter resources (EU nettransfers) to the regional and local levels where they willbe most useful; and (iii) how to build on the successfulexperiences of the EU-15 and of projects supported by theWorld Bank and other donors that use bottom-up planning andimplementation processes to develop effective localprojects. This note looks at some answers to these questionsas well as at the issues surrounding possible integration ofthe Regional Operations Programme (ROP) with other relevantEU operational programs, notably environment and ruraldevelopment. Finally, this report aims to help inform theWorld Bank on how best to design future regional and ruraldevelopment support programs, given the new context of EU funding.