This review of the Consumer Protectionand Financial Literacy Framework (CPFL) in Paraguay wasundertaken in response to a request for technical assistancein this area made by the Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP). Theobjectives were: (i) to assess the existing consumerprotection and financial literacy framework by reviewinglaws, regulations, and actual practices in Paraguay, andcomparing it with international good practice; and (ii) toprovide recommendations on ways to improve the level offinancial consumer protection and financial literacy in thecountry. The Diagnostic Review provides a detailedassessment of the institutional, legal and regulatoryframework for consumer protection in four segments of thefinancial sector: (i) banks and finance companies, (ii)financial cooperatives, (iii) insurance companies, and, - inreflection of the important role they play in Paraguay -(iv) non-bank agents and mobile payment providers. Itsfindings and recommendations cover six thematic areas: (i)Institutional Arrangements, (ii) Legal and RegulatoryFramework, (iii) Transparency and Disclosure, (iv) BusinessPractices, (v) Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution,and as a stand-alone section (vi) Financial Education.