Republic of Indonesia Financial Sector Assessment Program : CPSS-IOSCO Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems--The Equity and Corporate Bonds Securities Settlement Systems
This assessment forms part of the jointInternational Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank IndonesiaFinancial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) which is beingundertaken during 2009-2010. The assessment, which coversthe private sector equity and corporate bonds securitiessystem's observance of the Committee on Payment andSettlement Systems / International Organization ofSecurities Commissions (CPSS/IOSCO) recommendations forsecurities settlement systems, was conducted during an adhoc mission. The assessment focuses on two types of trades.First the clearing and settlement process is assessed asregards equity transactions traded on the stock exchangeIndonesian Stock Exchange (IDX), cleared through theClearing and Guarantee Corporation(KPEI) clearing system(e-CLEARS) and settled through the Central SecuritiesDepository for the Stock Exchange securities(KSEI)settlement system (C-BEST). In addition, the assessmentfocuses on corporate bond transactions, which are tradedoutside the exchange and settled through the KSEI settlementsystem (C-BEST).