This final report is the fifthdeliverable for the World Bank funded project'operational design for the project development fundand for the viability gap fund'. Taking into accountfeedback and further consideration of issues rose in theprevious Reports, it aims to: provide high levelrecommendations on the overall Public Private Partnership(PPP) framework in Pakistan, recognizing international bestpractice but also taking into account the specific Pakistancontext and the challenges faced their-in; provide theanalysis of the project pipeline for PPP projects inPakistan, on the basis of consultations undertaken inIslamabad in May 2009; and design possible structures forthe Project Development Fund (PDF) and for the Viability GapFund (VGF), that is informed by the current local enablingenvironment for PPPs, including the institutionalcapabilities and the existing pipeline of PPP projects. Thisfinal report incorporates feedback from the World Bank andthe Government of Pakistan on each of the above-listedissues, which were set out and discussed in details inprevious reports.