The study is based on a new specializeddataset generated for the road sector contracts ofBank-financed projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. It isorganized as follows: Chapter two describes the data and aset of indicators constructed to perform comparativeassessments of the procurement and implementation processesacross 13 African countries. Chapter three points out thetrends in selected key indicators and performs an inventoryof risks for each road works contract using a checklist ofpossible entry points of corrupt activities or red flags.Through comparison of the road works contracts that hadcomplaints received by the Bank's Department ofInstitutional Integrity(INT) and other contracts in thesample, it examines if the data exhibit a pattern ofindicators consistent with the presence of allegations ofcorruption or fraud. Chapter four looks at selected issuessuch as high bid rates, low response to invitation to bid,and cost and time overruns as they were addressed by theproject implementing agencies. Finally, chapter fiveprovides selected recommendations to enhance accountabilityand control of corruption in the road projects financed bythe World Bank.