Civil service reform in Indonesia isneeded to sustain the important institutional reform resultsachieved over the last ten years in various sectors andpolicy areas and to further consolidate Indonesia as aprogressing middle income country. This report summarizes amission to Indonesia on February 2-13, 2009. The purpose ofthe mission was to i) map, describe and assess currentapproach and status of ongoing civil service reforminitiatives in selected central government institutions; ii)make recommendations related to scope, focus and approach ofcontinued reforms; and iii) propose to the Government ofIndonesia (GOI) a World Bank program of assistance insupport of the government's reform agenda. The reportis intended to provide a basis for a decision within theBank on whether and how to continue and scale up anengagement on civil service reform in Indonesia. Alignedwith the three objectives, the mission report first providesan introduction to the political economy of civil servicereform in Indonesia and an overview and profile of ongoingreform initiatives. It then analyses key civil servicechallenges, using the dimension in the draft framework forActionable Governance Indicators as a point of departure.Finally, a possible program for donor support is presentedin light of the analysis of key challenges and the politicaleconomy of reform.