Republic of Korea Financial Sector Assessment Program : Detailed Assessment of Observance - Assessment of Observance of CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures--BOK-WIRE+ and KRX CCP
This report contains the assessments ofthe Bank of Korea (BOK)-wire+ and Korea exchange (KRX)central counterparty (CCP) based on the committee on paymentand settlement systems (CPSS) - International Organizationof Securities Commissions (IOSCO) principles for financialmarket infrastructures (PFMI). The assessment was undertakenin the context of the international monetary fund's(IMF's) financial sector assessment program (FSAP) tothe Republic of Korea in April and July 2013. The objectiveof the assessment has been to identify potential risksrelated to the FMIs that may affect financial stability. Thescope of the assessment includes two main FMIs as well asthe authorities in Korea responsible for regulation,supervision, and oversight of FMIs. The BOK-wire+ and theKRX CCP are assessed against all relevant principles of thePFMI. The authorities, being the BOK, the financial servicescommittee (FSC), and the financial supervisory service(FSS), are assessed using the responsibilities forauthorities of FMIs. This report provides introduction;methodology and information used for the assessment;overview of the payment, clearing, and settlement landscape;and key findings follow up for the BOK-wire+; key findingsand follow-up for the KRX-CCP; key findings and follow upfor authorities; recommendations for the BOK-wire+;recommendations for the KRX-CCP; and recommendations for authorities.