The study aims at developing anEducational Development Index (EDI) for Bangladesh.Thepresent effort is the crucial first step towards developinga comprehensive and composite index of educationalperformance in Bangladesh.While the broader objective ofthe activity is to facilitate the decision making processfor resource allocation and policy directions, the primaryobjective is to monitor progress in the primary educationsector for district/upazila comparisons for betterdecisionmaking processes.The exercise has been considerablyconstrained by the lack of dependable robust data.Thisreport will make the policymakers aware of the need andimportance of collection of reliable and more comprehensiveinformation on a regular basis.The paper is organized asfollows: as the main goal of this report is to develop aprocedure for creating an Education Development Index (EDI)for the primary education sector of Bangladesh, themethodology is described in details with justifications ofseveral steps in the section two.Sources of informationand limitations are also discussed in this section.Adescription of the primary education sector of Bangladesh isgiven in section three.Section four presents the resultsand also explains how these results should be interpreted.Section five is the conclusion and recommendations.Inaddition, there are several annexes that include detailedresults including upazila and district lists with ranks, atechnical detail of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA),a step-by-step example of how an EDI can be constructed anda brief description of the stakeholder workshop that wasorganized at the beginning of the task to discuss themethodology with relevant stakeholders.