This assessment of the anti-moneylaundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism(CFT) regime of the Arab Republic of Egypt (Egypt) is basedon the Forty Recommendations 2003 and the Nine SpecialRecommendations on Terrorist Financing 2001 of the FinancialAction Task Force (FATF), andwas prepared usingthe AML/CFT assessment Methodology 2004, as updated inFebruary 2008. The assessment team considered all thematerials supplied by the authorities, the informationobtained on site during their mission from 12 to 26 October2008, and other verifiable information subsequently providedby the authorities. During the mission, the assessment teammet with officials and representatives of all relevantgovernment agencies and the private sector. A list of thebodies met is set out in Annex 1 to the detailed assessmentreport. The assessment was conducted by a team of assessorscomposed of staff of the World Bank and two experts actingunder the supervision of the World Bank. The evaluation teamconsisted of: Latifah Merican Cheong (Team leader); CedricMousset (co-team leader and financial expert), Stuart Yikona(legal expert); and Isaku Endo (financial expert), all fromthe Financial Market Integrity unit (FPDFI) and HorstIntscher (FIU expert, Consultant) and Younus Almoalem, (Lawenforcement expert, Consultant). The assessors reviewed theinstitutional framework, the relevant AML/CFT laws,regulations, guidelines and other requirements, and theregulatory and other systems in place to deter and punishmoney laundering (ML) and the financing of terrorism (FT)through financial institutions and Designated Non-FinancialBusinesses and Professions (DNFBP). The assessors alsoexamined the capacity, implementation, and effectiveness ofall these systems. This report provides a summary of theAML/CFT measures in place in Egypt at the time of themission or shortly thereafter. It describes and analyzesthose measures, sets out Egypt s levels of compliancewiththe FATF 40+9 Recommendations (see Table 1)and provides recommendations on how certain aspects of thesystem could be strengthened (see Table 2). The report wasproduced by the World Bank as part of the Financial SectorAssessment Program (FSAP) of Egypt. It was also presented tothe MENA FATFand endorsed by this organization atits plenary meeting in Bahrain on 19 May 2009.