The report consists of the followingseven chapters. The present chapter provides the context andthe rationale for the study, and outlines the methodology.Chapter two describes the nutrition system in detail anddiscusses the capacity issues related to the division oflabor (DoL) between the two primary programs of thenutrition system and within the Integrated Child DevelopmentServices, or ICDS. Chapter three delves into the factorsthat constrain leadership capacity at all levels chapterfour discusses the key capacity constraints related to HRthat limit the effective delivery of nutrition services.Chapter five discusses the training system as a sub-systemof HR and its capacity constraints, and Chapter six coversthe capacity assessment pertaining to monitoring, evaluationand management of information in the nutrition system.Chapter seven discusses the capacity constraints related toGeneral Management Practices, or GMPs in the ICDS,especially focusing on supervision, accountability and workpractices and procedures.