Improving agricultural productivity andpromoting exports are top priorities for the Government ofthe Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Given the centralityof rice to the rejuvenation of agriculture in Myanmar, therice sector is of critical importance, especially riceexports. The government announced ambitious targets of 2million metric tons (tons)2 of rice exports by 2014/15 and 4million tons by 2019/20. Recent actual performance isfalling short of these targets, but the opening ofMyanmar's economy has already helped significantlyincrease rice exports. The rest of the report is organizedas follows. Chapter two provides information on recent riceexport developments in Myanmar. Chapter three presents theevolving export opportunities as well as challenges thatmust be overcome to capitalize on them. Chapter fourdescribes the main constraints at various segments of thevalue chain and offers possible remedies. Chapter fivediscusses how rice policy should evolve to supportmodernization of the rice value chain. Chapter six offersconclusions and policy recommendations. Seven annexesprovide further, more detailed information.