Smoking during pregnancy increases therisk of a number of complications of pregnancy and can haveadverse effects on the child. This study provides data fromUkraine that are consistent with the internationalliterature on the effects of smoking during pregnancy. Thestudy of nearly 700 women in Ukraine examined the rate ofsmoking during pregnancy and factors related to continuedsmoking. It documents the outcomes of pregnancy in women whosmoked prior to pregnancy, and who smoked during pregnancycompared to those who did not. It also looks at pregnancyoutcomes with respect to the baby's father smoking.Smoking during pregnancy is at low levels in Ukraine (lessthan 5 percent of pregnant women), but is associated withfamily structure, the baby's father smoking, and thenumber of previous abortions. It is also associated withplacental insufficiency, low birth weight, fetus hypotrophy,and hip joint dysphasia. The father's smoking isassociated with decreased fertility, late toxicosis,miscarriage threat in third trimester, small baby, and lowerinfant functional status. There was no evidence thatinformation on the dangers of smoking while pregnantencouraged cessation.