This paper presents an assessment of thefirst phase (2008?2009) of Sierra Leone's cash for workprogram based on a qualitative and quantitative analysisexamining program design features, main processes andimpact. The assessment highlights that while cash for workwas an appropriate crisis response, the challenge ofachieving good targeting should not be underestimated.Findings from the assessment point to high inclusion errorsof non?poor population quintiles, despite the programapparently many rules of best practice in program design.The assessment points to a series of factors to explaintargeting performance, and future strategies consider mixedmethods with a greater emphasis on the role of communitiesin affecting overall outcomes. The assessment notes areas ofsuccess during implementation, including the impact of theprogram in promoting cohesion amongst youth groups, as wellas women. In this sense the assessment points to futurestrategies and options for moving cash for work forwardunder its expanded incarnation of the Youth EmploymentSupport Project. Through the use of light qualitative andquantitative methods, the paper also advocates for similarassessments where monitoring and evaluation capacity areweak and time constraints tight.