During the second half of the year 2008,the world experienced the worst worldwide economic crisis inover 70 years. The effects deriving from this crisis canstill be felt over most of the planet. Low or negativeeconomic growth in developed nations and emerging economies,high levels of unemployment and millions of persons belowthe poverty line, are some of the starkest examples. In theDominican Republic, the effects of this international crisisare manifested in the reduction in international trade, thedrop in tourism and in remittances, and an economic growthrate lower than expected. In this regard, the DominicanRepublic asked the World Bank to prepare nine policy noteswhich are presented in this volume. These notes focus on thefollowing topics: 1) long run economic growth in theDominican Republic; 2) ease of doing business; 3) logisticsfor competitiveness; 4) access to financial services withemphasis on financing for micro, small and mediumenterprises (MSMEs); 5) the electricity sector; 6) climatechange and the Dominican Republic, 7) the health sector, 8)territorial development, and 9) accountability andperformance system. The policy notes presented here arguethat an inclusive development is possible in the DominicanRepublic. However, great challenges must be faced to meetthis goal. From the analysis presented in this volume fourchallenges emerge which must be faced head-on in order toachieve sustainable and inclusive development.