Solomon Islands has undertaken acomprehensive assessment of the strength of its workforcedevelopment (WfD) policies and institutions to support theseinitiatives and enhance evidence based dialogue on theirimplementation. This assessment has been based on the WorldBank s Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER)systems benchmarking initiative, under which a suite ofanalytical tools have been developed for important educationsubsectors, including WfD. Both the process of carrying outthe SABER WfD assessment and thisreportareintendedtostrengthen the existing deliberative processes on the majorsystem reforms. The tool is based on an analytical frameworkthat identifies three functionaldimensions of WfD policiesand institutions: (1) Strategic framework, which refers tothe praxis of high level advocacy, partnership, andcoordination, typically across traditional sectoralboundaries, in relation to the objective of aligning WfD incritical areas to priorities for national development; (2)System Oversight, which refers to the arrangements governingfunding, quality assurance, and learning pathways that shapethe incentives and information signals affecting the choicesof individuals, employers, training providers, and otherstakeholders; and(3) Service Delivery, which refers to thediversity, organization, and management of trainingprovision, both state and non-state, that deliver results onthe ground by enabling individuals to acquire market and jobrelevant skills.