The problems of employment have become acentral global concern in recent times. This makes nearlyall the governments and development partners to be fullyengaged in finding a lasting solution to the problems. Inthe past, development planning efforts were concentrated onthe development of a modern industrial sector. It wasbelieved that this would serve the domestic market andfacilitate the absorption of redundant or surplus workers inthe urban economy. It was also the belief that rapideconomic growth and development would be achieved. The studyis structured into five chapters. While chapter one looks atthe background to the study, the terms of reference and thestructure of the report, chapter two focuses on copiousrelevant literature on skills development bringing out theconceptual definitions, theoretical and empirical issues inthe informal sector of the economy. Chapter three presentsthe methodology of how training providers as well as thebeneficiaries of the programs were surveyed in the study.Chapter four gives the inventory of the programs for theinformal sector skills development and a detailed analysisof five most important non- state-run programs in thecountry. Chapter five forms the conclusions andrecommendations of the work.