E-procurement systems have become anintegral component of procurement reform by governmentsaround the world as they move to institute competitive andfully transparent procurement systems, and to address issuesof corruption and transparency. This rise in demand fore-Government Procurement (e-GP) systems has created aninnovative industry of technical products and businessarrangements. To support the development, implementation andoperation of e-procurement systems, governments haveundertaken several different business approaches, fromcomplete in house solutions to various types of third-partypartnerships. Each implementation has its own set ofbenefits and business issues associated with it, whichdirectly affect both the government and the suppliers doingbusiness with the government. The purpose of the study is toidentify the types of business arrangements used bygovernments; the benefits of these arrangements; how theymay or may not affect the procurement process; the types ofissues or perceived issues that have resulted from thebusiness approaches applied; the contractual arrangements orpolicies that have been drafted to mitigate issues andensure the integrity and security of the procurementprocess. The goal of this study is to continue expanding theWorld Bank knowledge base on e-procurement programs,approaches and solutions so that it can continue to assistorganizations with the implementation and management of newand current government e-procurement initiatives.