The polish tertiary education report wasundertaken by the World Bank and the European InvestmentBank in consultation with the Ministry of National Educationand Sports of Poland (MoNES). The modernization of highereducation and other tertiary education services has becomean increasing focus of public concern in Poland. A majorpurpose of the report is to discuss important issues inPolish tertiary education and to focus on policies toimprove the quality and accessibility of educationalservices. Section one of this report summarizes the keytrends in the development of tertiary education in Polandsince the beginning of the 1990s, including the evolvinglegal framework and the principal outcomes of a decade ofreform. Section two focuses on the major outstanding issuestoday with respect to the financing of tertiary education,quality assurance, linkages to science and research, and thebusiness community together with the need for Poland tobuild capacity for, and implement, a comprehensive lifelonglearning system. Section three presents some promisingpolicy options and suggests specific reform measures forconsideration by policy makers in Poland.