Communities around the world are facedwith natural hazards-extreme environmental events such asfloods, cyclones, earthquakes, fires, and tsunamis. For somecommunities, these natural hazards turn into disasters,resulting in tremendous losses and injuries for students,school staff and families. However, by taking preventativemeasures before hazard impact, and learning preparedness andresponse, a culture of safety can be fostered. Communitiescan reduce and even eliminate such losses. This handbook isaimed at administrators, teachers, support staff, and otherindividuals involved in emergency and disaster preparednessat schools. It seeks to: 1) guide administrators and staffin assessing risks and planning and carrying out physicalprotection measures; 2) develop skills and provisions fordisaster and emergency preparedness, response, and rapidrecovery; and 3) support schools in developing disaster andemergency plans specific to their local needs and reflectinggood practices internationally and nationally.