The African Ministers' Council onWater (AMCOW) commissioned the production of a second roundof Country Status Overviews (CSOs2) to better understandswhat underpins progress in water supply and sanitation andwhat its member governments can do to accelerate thatprogress across countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). AMCOWdelegated this task to the World Bank's Water andSanitation Program and the African Development Bank (AfDB),which are implementing it in close partnership with UnitedNations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World HealthOrganization (WHO) in over 30 countries across SSA. ThisCSO2 report has been produced in collaboration with theGovernment of Ethiopia and other stakeholders during2009-10. The analysis aims to help countries assess theirown service delivery pathways for turning finance into watersupply and sanitation services in each of four subsectors:rural and urban water supply, and rural and urbansanitation, and hygiene. The CSO2 analysis has three maincomponents: a review of past coverage; a costing model toassess the adequacy of future investments; and a scorecardwhich allows diagnosis of particular bottlenecks along theservice delivery pathway. The CSO2's contribution is toanswer not only whether past trends and future finance aresufficient to meet sector targets, but what specific issuesneed to be addressed to ensure finance is effectively turnedinto accelerated coverage in water supply and sanitation. Inthis spirit, specific priority actions have been identifiedthrough consultation. A synthesis report, availableseparately, presents best practice and shared learning tohelp realize these priority actions.