The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)is in the final phase of the Global Scaling up Hand washingProject, implemented in Peru, Senegal, Tanzania, andVietnam. In Peru, where the project is known as Iniciativade Lavado de Manos, or the Hand washing Initiative (HWI),the specific target is to reach 5.1 million women andchildren under the age of 12 with hand washing messages bythe end of the four-year implementation period (November2010). The ultimate goal is to have 1.3 million peoplepracticing improved hand washing behaviors. This reportsummarizes the end line assessment of the enablingenvironment (EE) for the Global Scaling up Hand washingProject in Peru. This assessment aimed to evaluate therobustness of the programmatic conditions for scale up andsustainability as the project's implementation phasewas winding down. Research carried out from October 18 toNovember 5, 2010, followed a 2007 baseline EE assessment.The same instrument was used in both assessments, with somemodifications and additions made in 2010 based on programexperience and learning. An international consultant carriedout the assessment.