The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)has provided technical assistance to support governmentefforts to scale up rural sanitation since 2007 throughScaling up Rural Sanitation (TSSM). One of the centralobjectives of this initiative is to learn how to improverural sanitation at a scale sufficient to meet the 2015millennium development goal for sanitation in Indonesia,Tanzania, and the states of Himachal Pradesh (HP) and MadhyaPradesh (MP) in India, and to then use the lessons learnedto help replicate policy, programmatic, and service deliveryapproaches in other countries. Endline assessments of theprogrammatic and institutional conditions (referred to bythe project as the enabling environment) needed to scale up,sustain, and replicate the total sanitation and sanitationmarketing approaches were conducted in all three countries:East Java province in Indonesia; ten districts in Tanzania;and Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Baselineassessments of the enabling environment were conducted inlate 2007 during the start-up phase of the overall project.The baseline assessments identified weaknesses in theenabling environment in each country and made concreterecommendations for WSP technical support to help addressthese gaps. These recommendations were incorporated into WSPwork plans in each of the countries. The purpose of thisreport is to synthesize the key findings, conclusions, andrecommendations from these three assessments to provideguidance and insight for other countries seeking to createlarge-scale sustainable rural sanitation programs.