This report assesses Azerbaijan'scorporate governance policy framework. It highlights recentimprovements in corporate governance regulation, makespolicy recommendations, and provides investors with abenchmark against which to measure corporate governance inAzerbaijan. It is an update of the 2005 Corporate GovernanceROSC. In recent years, Azerbaijan's economy hasexperienced tremendous economic growth and the substantialinstitutional and legal change of earlier years hascontinued. New laws and regulations have improved legalprotection for investors and the broader businessenvironment. These include 2007 laws on insurance activityand internal audit, and 2008 amendments to the civil codeand regulations that introduce board member duties andregulate related party transaction. Azerbaijan's DoingBusiness rankings have improved substantially since 2005.Enforcement and implementation of corporate governance hasalso begun to improve, especially in banks and companieswith foreign investment. Foreign donors, including theInternational Finance Corporation (IFC) Azerbaijan CorporateGovernance Project, have been helpful in this area.