Developing countries dedicate aconsiderable share of total infrastructure investment toroads. The adoption in 2000 of the Millennium DevelopmentGoals and an increasing emphasis on justifying roadinvestments in terms of their contribution to povertyreduction have directed considerable attention to low volumerural roads. Often the poorest of the poor live in remoterural areas and improved access to social and economicservices is a key factor in raising their living standards.The traditional road appraisal frameworks do not fit wellwith this trend as they generally ignore the impact ofsocial benefit and poverty reduction. Past attempts toovercome these problems have lacked consistency. Therefore,there is a need to develop a consistent framework to addressthe poverty and social benefit aspects in a systematicmanner. A study into the identification and treatment ofsocial benefits in road transport project appraisal wasconducted in 2003-04. The study highlighted the problems ofidentification, separation, measurement, forecasting andvaluation of social benefits within a cost-benefit approachframework. It recommended a flexible approach using theprinciples of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) that is capableof combining qualitative and quantitative data into a singleanalytical framework. One of the study outputs was acomputerized software tool that can be used alone or withinthe framework of globally accepted appraisal models.Although such tools appear to be robust in methodologicalterms, there are fundamental operational problems, includingthe choice of the benefits costs indicators and theirweights. The current study undertook field testing of theproposed social benefits model and the software tool torecommend the choice of indicators with their correspondingweights based on results from the field. In addition, thestudy aimed to improve the capability of the HighwayDevelopment and Management Model (HDM-4) and social benefitssoftware tools in addressing road investment related social issues.