This paper, prepared in response to theChinese government's request, examines theinstitutional and financial arrangements under which theexpansion of the Chinese expressway network has taken place.China's outstanding achievements in economic growth andpoverty reduction over the last fifteen years have been welldocumented. The major emphasis has been on the developmentof its infrastructure, particularly transport. All modes oftransport have seen their networks expanded, to provide theinfrastructure needed to support the broader developmentgoals. Road transport is vitally important and, among thesurface modes, has seen its share grow over the last tenyears from 45 percent to 60 percent in terms of passenger-kmand from 24 percent to 30 percent in terms of freightton-km. The road transport system has contributed greatly tochina's continuing economic and social development. Theexpansion of the road network during the last 20 years wasmade possible by rapid increases in public funding. Since1990, the overall average growth in the Chinese road assetshas exceeded the overall growth in its Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) and has helped to close the'infrastructure gap' that existed at the beginningof the period.