Case Study in Outcomes Evaluation : Mongolia
World Bank
Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  90171
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

From 2010 to 2013, the World Bankgovernance partnership facility (GPF) and the Swiss Agencyfor Development and Cooperation (SDC) helped build thecapacity of Mongolian civil society organizations (CSOs) topromote good governance and an effective civil societyengagement in procurement and service delivery monitoring.An assessment of results from the interventions was neededto satisfy accountability and learning needs and to informdecisions on future programs and funding. However, theshort-term, complex nature of the interventions, numerousCSOs involved, and scarce documentation meant that knowledgeof results was largely limited to activities and impact willbe difficult to measure. In fall 2013, the World Bank andMongolia office of SDC decided to use an outcome mappingapproach to evaluate the effectiveness, sustainability, andrelevance of these interventions. Outcome mapping is aparticipatory methodology useful for evaluating complexprograms that involve capacity and coalition building,multiple actors, and tacit knowledge. It looks beyondoutputs and delivery efficiency to institutional behavioralchanges that occur in and among social actors influenced byinterventions. The evaluation provided benefits to thestakeholders in several ways: results were packaged into anaccessible, narrative format for various communicationpurposes; lessons were identified on what worked and did notwork to inform the design of future CSO support,particularly concerning social actors and their roles,innovative solutions, and how to adapt or scale up aprogram; and the participatory process promoted stakeholderlearning and ownership of results achieved to date. Thus,the evaluation generated robust, locally validated data thatdemonstrated the value of the interventions to stakeholdersand donors and revealed ways to improve implementation andmanagement for future efforts.

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