This note elaborates on therecommendations made in the Financial Sector AssessmentProgram (FSAP) for Nigeria in the areas of contingencyplanning, crisis management, and bank resolution. Itsummarizes the findings of the FSAP mission undertakenduring September 4 to 19, 2012 and is based upon analysis ofthe relevant legal and policy documents and extensivediscussions with the authorities and private sectorrepresentatives. The Nigerian financial system experienced abanking crisis in 2008-2009, partly triggered by the globalfinancial crisis and by domestic events. The decisive crisisresponse effectively stabilized the banking system, but thechallenge now is to devise a credible exit strategy and tostrengthen the resolution framework. This note is structuredas follows: chapter one sets out an overview of the bankingcrisis of 2009; chapter two analyses the institutionalframework and coordination arrangements for systemic riskmonitoring, crisis management, and cross-bordercoordination; chapter three assesses the approaches tointervene with potential problem institutions at an earlystage; chapter four covers crisis management tools includingofficial financial support, the resolution framework, AssetManagement Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON); chapter fivereviews the deposit insurance framework; and chapter sixaddresses the issue of legal protection.