Although child mortality rates havedeclined all across the developing world over the past 40years, they have declined the most in the Middle East andNorth Africa region. This quick note documents thisremarkable experience both at the country and regionallevels. This paper shows how child mortality rates (measuredas the number of deaths of children fewer than five years ofage per 1000 live births) have declined in the 17 MENAcountries for which we have data for the period 1970-2010.It is clear from the figure that all MENA countriesexperienced substantial declines in child mortality ratesover the past four decades. What also stands out from thefigure is the phenomenon of convergence. The gap betweencountries with high mortality rates and those with lowmortality rates narrowed substantially between 1970 and2010, suggesting the former have been converging with the latter.