First tested in Mexico in 2003, and mostrecently applied in 2009 in Argentina, the World Bank hasdeveloped a model to incorporate gender equity into privatesector organizations while simultaneously enhancing theirbusiness. Under the model, participating organizationsconduct a self-diagnosis to identify gender biases and gapsin the operations. This baseline is then used to create andsubsequently implement an action plan to address thesegender inequalities in their organization. Successfulapplication of this gender equity model is certified by anindependent auditing agency and the firm is awarded a sealthey can publicly use and display, enhancing theirreputation. Since the first experience in Mexico, the modelhas been adapted to fit other countries' realities, andeach experience has improved the tools and process of themodel. This paper summarizes the World Bank'sexperiences with the gender equity certification model andexplores the primary features and factors of success throughcareful examination of the most recent application inArgentina. The successful experiences and ease ofadaptability of the model point towards the feasibility ofapplying this model as standard World Bank "brand"certifiable international Gender Equity Model, or "GEM".