Ghana's New Approach to Public Sector Reform : Focusing on Delivery
World Bank
Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  70156
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Ghana has developed a "New Approachto Public Sector Reform", which seeks to focus reformson results, particularly the delivery of theGovernment's main priorities for (i) job creation and(ii) food production, distribution and processing. Theimpetus for the reform is being led from the center ofGovernment, by the Presidency and through the strengtheningof collective cabinet level coordination, while recognizingthat implementation will continue to be the responsibilityof the line Ministries that typically already have wellarticulated sector strategies. These sector strategies arelargely consistent with two main priorities and aresupported by Ghana's main international partners. TheNew Approach emphasizes the need for greater coordination ofthe Government's activities, combined with mechanismsto encourage greater performance and accountability amongstsenior managers, combined with innovative partnerships withthe private sector that could help to ease the bindingfinancial constraints. This report summarizes the results ofa four-day fact finding mission conducted 4-8 October 2010.The Report is divided into four parts as follows: Part A -Short term opportunities: The report welcomes the focus ondelivering specific change in job creation and foodproduction, distribution and processing. The Governmentshould consider further developing its Delivery Model, aspartly implied under the 'New Approach,' bycreating a delivery unit in the President's Policy Unitto help promote coordination at the center of Government andto remove bottlenecks to critical reforms.The Report alsosuggests ways that Ghana might tackle some specificchallenges in strengthening the role of the Presidency inpromoting delivery. Part B - Identifying and monitoring thedelivery chains for food production and job creation andIllustrating the delivery chain for food production as wellas Illustrating the delivery chain for PPPs, a key componentof job creation. Part C - Implications of the adoption ofthe Single Pay Spine, the report notes that the single payspine model adopted in Ghana is somewhat different to thoseimplemented in other countries in terms of design andsequencing - and urges that consideration is given to adelayed implementation while these challenges are resolved.The costs of implementing the Ghana Single Pay Spine arelikely to be very significant.There are significant futurerefinements of the single pay spine arrangements which willlikely be necessary - and some very urgent steps will needto be taken in the light of the fiscal situation andmanaging from the center of government, One part of thereport identifies two key roles of the center of government(defined as the offices of the President and Vice President,and the Cabinet Office) - ensuring that government is"reliable" and overseeing reform. There aresignificant capacity gaps in undertaking these roles,requiring a more detailed technical review of staff andorganizational structures. This is an urgent priority. If ahigh-level institution/mechanism - such as a delivery unit -is to be established at the Presidency level then it must besufficiently robust to remain in place across politicaltransitions to help drive reforms. It will be important tominimize the risks associated with such an approach,specifically, in terms of the duplication of units and rolesand responsibilities, and the need for broader buy-in fromkey actors across Government. The broader public sectorreforms that will likely be necessary include further workon improving inter- and intra-sectoral coordination,performance management, and using PPPs and more to achieveefficiency savings in the light of the fiscal consequencesof the Single Pay Spine.

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