This note disseminates key lessonslearned from the World Bank financed project in the Republicof Yemen, monitoring and evaluation of the poverty reductionstrategy paper and reform programs, which established andoperationalized a poverty reduction strategy monitoringunit. The approaches used, such as a study tour to Uganda,focused international training sessions, and the successfulwork on improving and minimizing the number of indicators,provide some lessons learned for other countries seeking tobuild monitoring and evaluation (M&E) capacity. Policymakers learned from Uganda s good practices of connectingaccountability with resource allocation and of theimportance of a strong and independent statistics office.The Republic of Yemen s experience also illustrates thevalue of having a powerful M&E champion to support sucha significant initiative. Finally, the inclusion of civilsociety organizations in the planning process and in M&Eoutputs, especially on the central level and on policymatters, increased popular support and was an importantfactor in building M&E capacity.