In 2009, the Kyrgyz Republic joined theRussia Education Aid for Development (READ) trust fundprogram, the goal of which is to help countries improvetheir capacity to design, carry out, analyze, and useassessments for improved student learning. As part of theREAD trust fund program, and in order to gain a betterunderstanding of the strengths and weaknesses of itsexisting assessment system, the Kyrgyz Republic participatedin a formal exercise to benchmark its student assessmentsystem under The World Bank's Systems Approach forBetter Education Results (SABER) program. SABER is anevidence-based program to help countries systematicallyexamine and strengthen the performance of different aspectsof their education systems. SABER-student assessment is acomponent of the SABER program that focuses specifically onbenchmarking student assessment policies and systems. Thegoal of SABER-student assessment is to promote strongerassessment systems that contribute to improved educationquality and learning for all. The importance of assessmentis linked to its role in: providing information on levels ofstudent learning and achievement in the system; monitoringtrends in education quality over time; supporting educatorsand students with real-time information to improve teachingand learning; and holding stakeholders accountable forresults. The SABER-student assessment framework is built onthe available evidence base for what an effective assessmentsystem looks like. The framework provides guidance on howcountries can build more effective student assessmentsystems. The framework is structured around two maindimensions of assessment systems: the types/purposes ofassessment activities and the quality of those activities.Assessment systems tend to be comprised of three main typesof assessment activities, each of which serves a differentpurpose and addresses different information needs. Thesethree main types are: classroom assessment, examinations,and large scale, system level assessments. This reportfocuses specifically on policies in the area of student assessment.