This strategy is a comprehensiveoverview of the institutional, organizational, and economicaspects of the sector. Based on an analysis of the currentsituation, this strategy will examine the strengths andweaknesses of the sector and review reform options of reformthat address upcoming challenges and provide the highestlevel of service at the lowest possible cost for urban andrural beneficiaries, while guaranteeing the widest and mostsustainable service coverage. The Tunisian economy'sstrong growth during the past four decades, at over 5percent per annum, enabled the government to mobilizesubstantial internal and external resources to financesector investments. The increase in public revenue parallelto this growth was also instrumental in ensuring sustainableproject funding. Moreover, this economic growth greatlystimulated household incomes, thus access to water supplyand sanitation services. The objective of these studies andother related projects is to mobilize the potential invariable surface water as well as in fragile groundwaterresources, in order to satisfy fast-growing water needswhile limiting the negative effect of pollution, andensuring water resources sustainability. The studies andprograms were carried out within the framework of a largerregional master plan (for the North, Central, and Southregions), mobilizing the various hydraulic systems in orderto satisfy the need for drinking water in major urban andrural areas, as per the water code, as well as the tourist,agricultural, and industrial sectors.