The purpose of this report is to reviewand assess Afghanistan's legal framework regulatingsocial safeguards (national and local laws, regulations,procedures and policies) with special reference to the lawand practice of compulsory land acquisition, orexpropriation. The overall objective of the report is toconsider how Afghanistan's legal framework wouldaddress social safeguard issues in upcoming World Bankprojects which are likely to involve land acquisition andresettlement of those persons whose land is to be acquiredin connection with project implementation. The report willconsist of a narrative of the context within which theassessment will be conducted and the assessment which willin both narrative and tabular form. Afghanistan is embarkingupon a massive programme of public works to improve andupgrade the infrastructure of the country: better roads,clean water; more schools and hospitals in both rural andurban areas are needed to provide a better life for allAfghans. The World Bank is committed to providing assistancetowards the realization of this programme. Much of thesepublic works will involve the acquisition of land on whichpeople are at present living and obtaining a livelihoodfrom. It is important to stress at the outset of this reportthat far from the object of the report being to impede orprevent these necessary public works, the aim of the reportand any consequential changes in the law which might resultfrom its proposals are designed to facilitate those publicworks by providing for a clear and fair system of landacquisition, compensation and resettlement for those peoplewho will be required to leave their homes and land for thegreater public good in order that the public works can becarried out. Where people are satisfied that they have beentreated fairly, they will be more likely to co-operate inbeing moved from their homes and this will facilitate theexecution of the public works.