Research suggests that teacher qualityis the main school-based predictor of student achievementand that several consecutive years of outstanding teachingcan offset the learning deficits of disadvantaged students(Hanushek and Rivkin, 2006; Nye et al, 2004; Park andHannum, 2001; Rivkin et al, 2005; Rockoff, 2004; Sanders,1998; Sanders and Rivers 1996; and Vignoles et al, 2000).However, it is not yet clear exactly which teacher policiescan raise teacher effectiveness (Goldhaber, 2002 and Rivkinet al, 2005). Thus, devising effective policies to improveteaching quality remains a challenge. The eight policy goalsincludes the following headings: setting clear expectationsfor teachers; attracting the best into teaching; preparingteachers with useful training and experience; matchingteachers' skills with students' needs; leadingteachers with strong principals; monitoring teaching andlearning; supporting teachers to improve instruction; andmotivating teachers to perform.