Tajikistan is highly vulnerable to theadverse impacts of global climate change, as it alreadysuffers from low agricultural productivity, water stress,and high losses from disasters. Public awareness of themultiple consequences of climate change is high, withpossible impacts on health, natural disasters, andagriculture of greatest public concern. Climate change canpotentially deepen poverty by lowering agricultural yields,raising food prices, and increasing the spread ofwater-borne diseases as well as the frequency and severityof disasters. Regions with greater dependence on agricultureand lower socioeconomic indicators, particularly the eastmountain area of the Region of Republican Subordination(RRS), the Southern Sughd hills, and Khatlon hills andlowlands, are most vulnerable to climate change, with ruralareas more at risk than urban locations. Fastersocioeconomic development is the best tool for adaptation,since greater income diversification, improved health andeducation, and better access to services and infrastructureenhance the capacity of households, particularly the poor,for autonomous adaptation.