The Honduras Land Access Pilot Project(PACTA) from 2001-2006 supported the acquisition of land andthe formation of sustainable farm enterprises byself-organized landless and land-poor peasant families. TheGovernment is now scaling up and diversifying the pilot intoa national program far more inclusive than the currentmodel. The SDR 6.2 million pilot project proved theviability of a public-private partnership strategy, with theprivate sector lending for land purchase and public sectorfunds being used for complementary investments and servicesto improve productivity and build capacity for independentdevelopment. The program was broadly aimed at the ruralpopulation with no access to land or precarious access tosmall parcels for subsistence production. Of the 1,226families that took part in the program, 991 were part ofthis group day laborers, sharecroppers, or other kinds ofsubsistence producer. The rest were poor families withaccess to municipal forestland (two sub-projects) orcommunal land (one sub-project). These sub-projects wereimplemented at the end of the pilot phase. In addition, thesub-projects supported byPACTA in forest communities andafro-Honduran communities are promising for thediversification of economic activities in areas liketourism, crafts, fishing, sustainable timber harvest andwood processing, and environmental services. From this pointof view, the achievements and lessons learned in the pilotproject could be meaningful in the design of similarprocesses, not necessarily involving land purchase