In international assessments (Progressin International Reading Literacy Study - Organization forEconomic Co-operation and Development [PISA-OECD] andProgress in International Reading LiteracyStudy International Evaluation of Educational Achievement[PIRLS-IEA]), children's reading skills are notassessed before the fourth grade. For students who are poorreaders, it is often too late by this time to carry outefficient and effective remedial instruction. To beefficient remedial instruction should be conducted as earlyas possible. In addition, most major assessments are onlycomposed of reading comprehension tasks and do not take intoaccount the level of word reading fluency (includingaccuracy and speed) and listening comprehension. However,research suggests that reading comprehension is associatedwith capacity in these complementary tasks. The last twoanalyses indicated that in the two groups (Wolof andFrench), correlations between socioeconomic status andvarious tasks were not significant and that socioeconomicstatus does not contribute to variance in reading skills.This was also the case for phonemic analysis and theknowledge of letter names, although correlations betweenthese tasks and the reading tasks were high. Correlationsbetween the pseudo-word and word reading tasks were veryhigh, and the ability to read pseudo-words was the onlyskill that explained variance in word reading (isolated orin context). Finally, correlations between reading andlistening comprehension were very high, and listeningcomprehension was the only skill that consistently explainedvariance in reading comprehension.