Technical Assistance on Poverty Analysis and Social Statistics : Mission on the Census of Buildings and Dwellings, Voume 4. Questionnaire Design for the Large Sample Household Survey
The World Bank is developing a projectto develop the capacity of the Central Administration forStatistics (CAS) of Lebanon to produce demographic andsocial statistics. In the absence of population censuses,the census of buildings and dwelling is one of the fewsources of comprehensive data and information at thenational level. The census that CAS is planning for2010-2011 has been identified as an initial candidate forimplementation-technical assistance under the currentproject. The CAS has requested technical support which willrun over the life of the Census, from the initiation of thecensus to the analysis of data, which would extend over thecurrent and the coming fiscal years. In this context, theWorld Bank organized a one month mission to explore theprospects for this technical assistance. The first two weeksof the mission, Monday 23, March 2009 to Saturday 4, April2009 focused on assessment. The second two weeks, Monday 6,April 2009 to Saturday 18, April 2009, focused on technicalassistance. This note is divided into four volumes. Volume Iis an assessment made during the first half of the mission.Volume II addresses the questions related to the Design andManagement of the Census of Buildings and Dwellings, drawingfrom the main conclusions of the assessment phase. VolumeIII addresses development of the questionnaire for thecensus of buildings and dwellings. It identifies therecommendations related to the design of thequestionnaire(s) that will be used to conduct the nextcensus of buildings and dwellings. Volume IV addressesdesign of a large-scale household survey (10 percent ofhouseholds, or 50,000 households) that might be conductedconcurrently with the census of buildings and dwellings togenerate socio-demographic data of the kind that would beproduced by a census of population and housing.