This report aims to provide additionalinsights to existing analyses of public pension and socialsecurity schemes in the Caribbean. Such analyses have beenundertaken with the support of the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank, theCanadian International Development Agency, the EconomicCommission for Latin America, and the Caribbean and theInternational Social Security Association. By makingcross-country comparisons within the region and across theworld, this report will review fiscal vulnerability,sustainability, labor market efficiency, migration,financial market development, and other pension-relatedareas. Finally, governance and investment management shouldbe strengthened by: (i) strengthening the governancestructure, including authority and accountability of Boardmembers; (ii) improving governance mechanisms with theassistance of external oversight and improved informationdisclosure; (iii) introducing codes of conduct for thegoverning body and management; and (iv) introducing a numberof measures to strengthen the investment policies,investment strategy, asset allocation, and performance evaluation.