This paper presents and explains crosscountry data for mandatory publicly and privately managedpension systems around the world. Relevant World Bankdemographic projections and other indicators previouslyreported in International Patterns of Pension Provision(2000) are updated, and relationships between key indicatorsare highlighted. For more than a decade, the World Bank hascompiled and maintained a database on pension systems aroundthe world.The process of collecting data began in theearly 1990s when the Bank's first major research volumeon the subject was published. Subsequently, expanding WorldBank lending and technical assistance on pensions resultedin the collection of additional information, particularly inEastern Europe and Latin America. In addition to providingmore recent data, this update includes new and standardizedinformation on system parameters.The aim of this documentis to capture much of the relevant cross-country informationand indicators.This is intended to provide decision makerswith a general view of the current patterns of pensionprovision worldwide to support their efforts to developwell-informed frameworks for implementing and/or reformingpension systems.