The integration of consultationmechanisms throughout the policymaking process has proved tobe a valuable instrument to help strengthengovernment-citizen interaction and improve the quality ofgovernment policies on key development areas by leading tobetter designed development projects, more effective servicedelivery, and improvements in the targeting of benefits. Bymaking preliminary policy analysis available for publicscrutiny, stakeholders are provided with a means to informthe development of a policy or its implementation.Consultation also helps regulators to balance opposinginterests and to identify unintended effects while ensuringtransparency to minimize administrative burdens and reducecorruption and rent-seeking. When successful, publicparticipation can have a transformative impact by providingcitizens with a platform for active engagement in thedevelopment process, and allows citizens to hold governmentsto account and to better influence decisions that affecttheir lives. While the benefits of public consultation arewidely recognized, the MENA region still lags in the domainof public engagement, especially in regards to providingcitizens with mechanisms to engage effectively in thedesign, implementation, and evaluation of public policy.