This paper discusses rural financeaspects of the World Bank's rural development strategy,"Reaching the Rural Poor" (see report no. 26763)by giving an overview of recent implementation experience,discussing current issues, and highlighting priorities forthe future. The primary objective is to articulate how theBank views current best practices in rural finance andattempts to incorporate them into its operations, as acommon frame of reference for policymakers in clientcountries, Bank staff, and other donor agencies. In theprocess, it provides some operational guidance on the typesof instruments suited to different circumstances, althoughit is not intended as a toolkit for project design. Foursections make up this report. Section II explores thecharacteristics of rural financial markets and constraintsto their development, analyzes why the traditional paradigmof directed agricultural credit was replaced by a financialsystems approach, and explains how this new paradigm isincorporated into institutional policies. Section IIIreviews recent implementation experience of Bank RMFoperations and emerging issues. Section IV developsapproaches for strengthening implementation of theBank's strategy for rural financial market developmentat the levels of macro policies, institutions, communitiesand clients, and concludes with recommendations for improvedconsultation, both internal and external.