The World Bank (WB) and the AfricanDevelopment Bank (AfDB) programs in Uganda over 2001-07 weredelivered under the FY01-03 the WB Country AssistanceStrategy, the 2002-04 AfDB Country Strategy Paper, and theUganda Joint Assistance Strategy. These strategies focusedon promoting governance, growth, and human development, andwere pursued through a net commitment of $2.1 billion by theInternational Development Association (FY01-07) and $732million equivalent (2002-07) by the African DevelopmentFund. The World Bank's assistance strategies showedstrong client orientation and were aligned withUganda's poverty reduction strategy. The programs weresubstantially effective in decentralization, public sectorreform, growth and economic transformation, education, andwater and sanitation. More could have been done to helpcounter the perception of increasing corruption, improvepower supply, reduce transport costs, enhance agriculturalproductivity, and help with family planning and reproductivehealth. The AfDB's assistance was also relevant andaligned with the government's development goals. Itssupport substantially achieved its objectives fordecentralization, public sector finance, growth and economictransformation, improved competitiveness, agriculture, andwater and sanitation, as well as education and health. Therewere some shortcomings in the assistance provided for powerand roads and in reducing corruption. The InternationalFinance Corporation's (IFC's) main contributionhas been in telecommunications, in addition to playing asubstantial role in providing assistance for institutionaland regulatory reforms in leasing and in supporting thesupply response to these reforms. Limited impact was seen insmall and medium enterprise (SME) access to finance, despitesignificant joint effort with the WB.