A comprehensive guide on disasterpreparedness for cultural heritage was produced by theinternational center for the study of preservation andrestoration and the committee of the blue shield about 10years ago to provide guidelines for local and nationalauthorities in countries and regions at risk of naturalhazards. As seen in many countries where cultural assets areirreplaceably lost or severely damaged (e.g., the2,500-year-old citadel of Bam in Iran was reduced to rubbleby an earthquake in late 2003), practical precautionarymeasures can safeguard important cultural resources. Forpreventive conservation, risk management can provide aframework for decision making. There are four recognizedsteps to using a risk management approach for preservationissues: (i) identify all risks to heritage; (ii) assess themagnitude of each risk; (iii) identify possible mitigationstrategies; and (iv) evaluate the costs and benefitsassociated with each strategy.