Strong earthquakes strike frequentlycountries in East Asia and the Pacific, causing buildingcollapses and extensive damage to infrastructure and, whencentered near populated areas, heavy life losses. Urbanareas, with their increasing concentrations of populationand infrastructure, are particularly at risk fromcatastrophic losses with far-reaching economic repercussionsand human loss. The next earthquake and other largeearthquakes in the East Asia region in the near future areinevitable. This paper aims at delivering the best science,risk analysis, and engineering available to help policymakers and particularly those directly responsible formitigation, preparedness, response and recovery toanticipate and prepare for earthquakes and build safer, moreresilient societies. In particular, this paper emphasizesthe strengthening of existing schools, hospitals andspecific infrastructure that should result in the largestpossible life loss reduction and the largest possiblefinancial loss reduction in the public sector. The objectiveof this paper is to help to reduce earthquake risk throughpromoting safer construction, disseminating good practicefor new and existing infrastructure, increasing the level ofpreparedness, and, particularly, promoting a decrease inexisting risk and saving lives through strengthening ofexisting important public infrastructure.